formalize example sentences

Related (6): institutionalize, legalize, standardize, systematize, regularize, codify.

" formalize" Example Sentences

1. The company plans to formalize the hiring process.
2. We need to formalize our business relationship with a contract.
3. The government is working to formalize informal settlements.
4. The committee intends to formalize the selection process.
5. They formalized their engagement with marriage.
6. The leaders intend to formalize the trade agreement.
7. The employer wants to formalize the job description.
8. Let's formalize our proposal with a written document.
9. The regulations will formalize safety procedures.
10. The organization plans to formalize policies on donations.
11. We need to formalize our partnership through a legal agreement.
12. The scientists plan to formalize their research findings in a paper.
13. The partners want to formalize their business arrangement.
14. They decided to formalize their relationship.
15. We aim to formalize our business practices.
16. The school aims to formalize curriculum guidelines.
17. The board intends to formalize board governance policies.
18. The UN aims to formalize humanitarian programs.
19. The online community plans to formalize its structure.
20. The clan wants to formalize membership requirements.
21. The process will be formalized through documentation.
22. The recommendations need to be formalized into policies.
23. The company intends to formalize operating procedures.
24. The training program will be formalized next quarter.
25. The guideline needs to be formalized into a regulation.
26. Job responsibilities will be formalized in the employee handbook.
27. Our arrangement was never formally recognized.
28. We need to formalize grading criteria for consistency.
29. The secret agreement was never formalized into a contract.
30. Company benefits have not been formalized in writing.
31. The process has not been formalized into standardized procedures.
32. Their verbal agreement remains informal and has not been formalized.
33. The merger between companies has yet to be formalized.
34. The succession plan has yet to be formalized.
35. The club's rules are not formal and have not been formalized.
36. Meeting notes have not been formalized into official minutes.
37. Their handshake deal has not been formalized into a legal contract.
38. The handbook aims to formalize policies and procedures.
39. The criteria will be formalized into a rubric for assessments.
40. The board intends to formalize the strategic vision into objectives.
41. The process of formalizing requirements can reduce confusion.
42. The board is working on formalizing its code of conduct.
43. We aim to formalize roles and responsibilities within the team.
44. The government intends to formalize community guidelines.
45. The new procedures have yet to be formalized and published.
46. The organization plans to formalize its bylaws and constitution.
47. Our relationship became more formal once we got engaged.
48. The award will be formalized with an official ceremony.
49. Their collaboration became more formal when they signed an agreement.
50. The transition plan will soon be formalized into official policy.
51. Formalizing processes can increase efficiency and reduce ambiguity.
52. We need to formalize the specifications to present to investors.
53. The criteria were never officially formalized or documented.
54. The board aims to formalize procedures to improve governance.
55. The terms of the deal still need to be formalized into a contract.
60. The department plans to formalize its mission statement and values.

Common Phases

1. Formalize a relationship
2.Formalize an agreement
3.Formalize a process
4. Formalize a policy
5. Formalize procedures
6. Formalize requirements
7. Formalize guidelines
8.Formalize criteria
9. Formalize a contract
10. Formalize an engagement

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